Arguments: 1) string: path Return Type: bool
Loads the specified image file as a texture.
Returns true if loading was successful, otherwise returns false.
Arguments: 1) string: path Return Type: bool
Loads specified image file as a texture in a separate thread.
Returns true if loading was successful, otherwise returns false.
Using this function inside @Loading is the same as using LoadTexture.
When using large images, the script will freeze until the image has finished loading.
Arguments: 1) string: path
Unloads the specified texture file.
Arguments: 1) string: path Return Type: real
Returns the width of the specified image file.
Arguments: 1) string: path Return Type: real
Returns the height of the specified image file.
Arguments: 1) bool: enable
Enables or disables fog.
Arguments: 1) real: start 2) real: end 3) real: red 4) real: green 5) real: blue
Sets the fog parameters with the start and end distances from the player and the rgb values.
To turn the screen dark, you can use SetFogParam(250, 700, 0, 0, 0).
Clear invalid render priorities set with SetInvalidRenderPriorityA1.
Arguments: 1) real: start 2) real: end
Sets invalid render priority between start and end render priorities.
Drawing within the specified range is disabled by this function.
Arguments: 1) real: index Return Type: real
Returns the render target name reserved at Danmakufu's startup.
Index in range: 0-2
There is always a texture that can be obtained with this function.
Arguments: 1) string: targetName Return Type: bool
Creates a custom render target outside of the reserved ones.
To use, ObjPrim_SetTexture must have the name of the render target as a string.
Textures created with this function can be used for RenderToTextureA1 and other similar functions.
Arguments: 1) string: targetName 2) real: start 3) real: end 4) bool: clearRenderTarget
Renders the specified range of invalid render priority drawings to a texture.
Set clearRenderTarget to true in order to clear the render target after each frame. If set to false, the render target will remain into the next frame.
Arguments: 1) string: targetName 2) real: objectId 3) bool: clearRenderTarget
Renders the specified object to a texture.
Set clearRenderTarget to true in order to clear the render target after each frame. If set to false, the render target will remain into the next frame.
Arguments: 1) string: targetName 2) string: fileName
Saves rendered texture to a file.
In Re:Dnh, the image will be saved as PNG regardless of extension. In vanilla Dnh, it will be BMP.
The image file created by this function can be used immediately after its execution.
Arguments: 1) string: targetName 2) string: fileName 3) real: left 4) real: top 5) real: right 6) real: bottom
Saves rendered texture to a file, given left/top/right/bottom bounds of the region to capture.
In Re:Dnh, the image will be saved as PNG regardless of extension. In vanilla Dnh, it will be BMP.
The image file created by this function can be used immediately after its execution.
Arguments: 1) string: fileName
Saves a picture of the game to a file.
The image file created by this function can be used immediately after its execution.
Arguments: 1) string: fileName 2) real: left 3) real: top 4) real: right 5) real: bottom
Saves a picture of the game to a file, given left/top/right/bottom bounds of the region to capture.
The image file created by this function can be used immediately after its execution.
Arguments: 1) real: windowSizeIndex 2) real: bFullscreen 3) real: bBorderless 4) real: bIntegerScale 5) real: bVsync
Sets some graphics-related settings.
windowSizeIndex : The index of the window size to use, as defined in the .def bFullscreen : Whether or not to change to fullscreen mode bBorderless : Whether or not to use a borderless window when in fullscreen mode bIntegerScale : Whether or not to use integer scaling in borderless fullscreen mode bVsync : Whether or not to enable vsync
Note: All arguments may be set to NO_CHANGE to retain their current state
Return Type: any array
Returns a multi-type array of the current graphics settings.
The array is in the following format: [windowSizeIndex, bFullscreen, bBorderless. bIntegerScale, bVsync]
Arguments: 1) real: windowSizeIndex Return Type: real const
Returns a constant representing the aspect ratio of the given window size index.
Current possible values are:
Arguments: 1) real: majorVersion 2) real: minorVersion Return Type: bool
Returns true if the user's GPU supports the specified pixel shader version.
Example: IsPixelShaderSupported(3, 0);
checks for Pixel Shader version 3.0
Arguments: 1) real: objShader 2) real: start 3) real: end
Sets the shader object associated with objShader to affect render priorities between start and end.
Note: Render priorities are on a 0-1 scale.
Arguments: 1) real: objShader 2) real: start 3) real: end
Sets the shader object associated with objShader to affect (integer) render priorities between start and end.
Note: Render priorities are on a 0-100 scale.
Arguments: 1) real: start 2) real: end
Stops rendering textures within the specified render priority range to the shader object.
Note: Render priorities are on a 0-1 scale.
Arguments: 1) real: start 2) real: end
Stops rendering textures within the specified (integer) render priority range to the shader object.
Note: Render priorities are on a 0-100 scale.