Return Type: real
Creates a sound object and returns its ID.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) string: pathSound
Loads the specified sound file.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID
Plays the sound file associated with the object.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID
Stops the sound file associated with the object.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: volumeRate
Sets the volume of the sound object (0-100).
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: panRate
Sets the pan volume of the sound object (-100-100).
0 is neutral, -100 is left-side only, 100 is right-side only.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: frequency
Sets the frequency of the sound object in samples.
Pass 0 to reset the frequency to its default value.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: fadeTime
Sets the fade time of the sound object.
Fade value is how much the volume will increase per second; accepts negative values for fadeouts.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) bool: bEnable
When set to true, the sound object will be allowed to loop.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: loopStart 3) real: loopEnd
Sets the timing of the loop, in seconds.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: loopStart 3) real: loopEnd
Sets the timing of the loop based on the sample count.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) bool: bEnable
When set to true, allows the sound object to continue where it left off instead of restarting every time ObjSound_Play is called.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real const: soundDivision
Specifies whether a sound is a BGM, sound effect, or "voice".
Each sound division has its own separate global volume setting.
Available sound divisions are:
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: startTime
Sets the time for the sound file to start playing at in seconds.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: startTime
Sets the time for the sound file to start playing at in samples.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: seekPosition
Seeks to the specified position (in seconds) in the playing the sound file.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID 2) real: seekPosition
Seeks to the specified position (in samples) in the playing the sound file.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID Return Type: bool
Returns true if the sound file is playing.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID Return Type: real
Returns the volume (0-100) of the sound file.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID Return Type: real
Gets the current playback position of the song in seconds.
Warning: This function can only be used to get an average idea of where the position is, because this will only update every few seconds.
Arguments: 1) real: objectID Return Type: real
Gets the current playback position of the song in samples.
Warning: This function can only be used to get an average idea of where the position is, because this will only update every few seconds.