Arguments: 1) string: str
Sets the name of the default common data area to the specified string.
Arguments: 1) string: key 2) any: value
Maps the given key to the given value in the default common data area.
The value can be returned by using GetCommonData with the corresponding key.
Arguments: 1) string: key 2) any: defaultValue = nil Return Type: any
Returns the value associated with the given key in the default common data area, or defaultValue if no mapping exists.
If defaultValue is not provided, it will be nil.
Removes all of the common data in the default common data area.
Arguments: 1) string: key
Removes the common data mapping with the specified key from the default common data area.
Arguments: 1) string: area 2) string: key 3) any: value
Maps the given key to the given value in the specified common data area.
The value can be returned by using GetAreaCommonData with the corresponding area and key.
Arguments: 1) string: area 2) string: key 3) any?: defaultValue Return Type: any
Returns the value associated with the given key in the specified common data area, or defaultValue if no mapping exists.
If defaultValue is not provided, it will be nil.
Arguments: 1) string: area
Removes all of the common data in the specified area.
Arguments: 1) string: area 2) string: key
Removes the common data mapping with the specified key from the specified common data area.
Arguments: 1) string: area
Deletes the whole area common data, not just the key-value list.
To use the area common data again, it must be recreated with CreateCommonDataArea.
Arguments: 1) string: area
Creates a common data area with the provided area name, in which various common data can be stored.
Arguments: 1) string: destArea 2) string: srcArea
Copies the common data in the source area to the destination area.
Arguments: 1) string: area Return Type: bool
Returns true if the area name corresponds to an existing common data area, otherwise returns false.
Return Type: string array
Returns an array of all common data area names.
Arguments: 1) string: area Return Type: string array
Returns an array of the keys in the specified area.
Arguments: 1) string: area Return Type: bool
Saves everything in the specified common data area to a data file.
Returns true if successful and false if the operation failed.
Arguments: 1) string: area Return Type: bool
Loads everything in the specified common data area from the saved data file.
Returns true if successful and false if the operation failed.
Arguments: 1) string: area 2) string: path Return Type: bool
Saves everything in the specified common data area to a data file at the specified path.
Returns true if successful and false if the operation failed.
Arguments: 1) string: area 2) string: path Return Type: bool
Loads everything in the specified common data area from the saved data file at the specified path.
Returns true if successful and false if the operation failed.
Arguments: 1) string: area Return Type: bool
Saves the specified common data area to the replay file.
Returns true if successful and false if the operation failed.
Note: This function should not be called during a replay.
Arguments: 1) string: area Return Type: bool
Loads everything in the specified common data area from the replay file.
Returns true if successful and false if the operation failed.
Note: This function should not be called during gameplay.
Arguments: 1) string: key 2) any: defaultValue = nil Returns: cdata: valuePointer
Returns a pointer to the common data value with the given key in the default area.
If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and initialized with defaultValue, which is nil if not provided.
Arguments: 1) string: area 2) string: key 3) any: defaultValue = nil Returns: cdata: valuePointer
Returns a pointer to the common data value with the given key in the given area.
If the key doesn't exist, it will be created and initialized with defaultValue, which is nil if not provided.
Arguments: 1) cdata: valuePointer Returns: bool: bValid
Returns true if the given value is a valid common data value pointer, otherwise returns false.
Arguments: 1) cdata: valuePointer 2) any: value Returns: any: storedValue
Sets the common data value that valuePointer points to.
Note: Passing an invalid pointer may cause a memory access violation (the game will crash). Avoid using this function if an area may be deleted.
Arguments: 1) cdata: valuePointer 2) any: defaultValue Returns: any: storedValue
Returns the common data value that valuePointer points to, or defaultValue if no mapping exists.
Note: Passing an invalid pointer may cause a memory access violation (the game will crash). Avoid using this function if an area may be deleted.