DataObjects are lightweight, persistent values similar to objects that only contain data and have no processing overhead. The engine stores them in a separate array from standard objects and Obj functions will not work on them.
Note: SetAutoDeleteObject(true) will result in DataObjects being deleted.
Arguments: 1) real: dataIDs...
Deletes the data-object(s) associated with the given ID(s).
Arguments: 1) array[real]: dataIDs
Deletes the data-objects with the IDs in the given array.
Arguments: 1) real: dataID Returns: bool: bDeleted
Returns true if the data-object mapped to the given dataID is deleted, otherwise false.
Arguments: 1) real: dataID Returns: bool: bExists
Returns true if the data-object mapped to the given dataID exists (is not deleted), otherwise false.
Note: This function is the inverse of DataObj_IsDeleted.
Arguments: 1) real: dataID Returns: real const: dataType
Returns the type of the data-object.
This can be, for example: DATA_OBJ_RENDER_SEQUENCE