Return Type: real
Returns the boss scene object ID or ID_INVALID when not in a boss scene.
Return Type: real array
Returns an array consisting of the object ID of the boss present on the screen.
Arguments: 1) real: x 2) real: y 3) real: radius 4) real: enemyObjectType Return Type array[real]
Returns the object IDs of the enemies inside the given circle with the specified enemy object type in an array.
enemyObjectType can be:
Arguments: 1) array: storageArray 2) real: x 3) real: y 4) real: radius 5) real: enemyObjectType
Stores the object IDs of the enemies inside the given circle with the specified enemy object type in storageArray.
This is faster than the Get version if the array has been pre-reserved to an adequate size with array_reserve.
enemyObjectType can be:
Return Type: real array
Returns an array consisting of the object ID of every enemy present on the screen.
Return Type: real array
Returns an array consisting of the object ID of all enemies with a registered hitbox to player shots (via ObjEnemy_SetIntersectionCircleToShot()).
Return Type: 2D real array
Returns the position of all enemies for which collision detection is true (currently intersecting) as a 2D array.
Return format is [index][<x coordinate, y coordinate>].
Arguments: 1) x 2) y 3) acquisitionValue Return Type: 2D real array
Returns the enemy intersection position around the given position with acquisitionValue priority as a 2D array.
Return format is [index][<x coordinate, y coordinate>].
The first possible acquisition value (index 0) corresponds to the nearest enemy to the provided x and y coordinates.
Arguments: 1) real: enemyObjectID Return Type: 2D real array
Returns all collision detection positions of the specified enemy as a 2D array.
Return format is [index][<x coordinate, y coordinate>].
Arguments: 1) real: enemyObjectID 2) real: x 3) real: y Return Type: 2D real array
Returns all collision detection positions of the specified enemy closest to the given coordinates as a 2D array.
Return format is [index][<x coordinate, y coordinate>].
The first index (index 0) corresponds to the nearest intersection position from the provided x and y coordinates.
Arguments: 1) real: x 2) real: y Return Type: real
Returns the nearest enemy object ID to the given coordinates with intersection enabled.
Arguments: 1) real: x 2) real: y 3) real: minDist Return Type: real
Returns the nearest enemy object ID to the given coordinates with the given minimum distance with intersection enabled.
Arguments: 1) real: left 2) real: right 3) real: top 4) real: bottom
Sets the margin that enemy objects are allowed to traverse past the edges of the STG field before getting automatically deleted.
Defaults to (64, 64, 64, 64).
Arguments: 1) string: path Return Type: bool
Loads specified shot data file and returns true if successful.
Files with the same name can only be loaded once.
Arguments: 1) string: path Return Type: bool
Reloads specified shot data file.
Unlike LoadEnemyShotData, this function can load the same file several times.
You can also (re)load a file that has not been loaded by LoadEnemyShotData.