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In the following sections, arguments listed after the constant name like RC_SOMETHING(arg1, arg2) refer to the arguments passed after the constant in the ObjRender_AddSequenceCommand or RenderSequenceData_AddCommand functions.
Note: Argument values must not exceed 9,007,199,254,740,959 (2^53-33).
These are not actually commands. They can be used in the same places as value arguments, but behave as variables.
These variables can be set arbitrarily.
RC_V0: variable at index 0 RC_VAR_0: variable at index 0 (alias) RC_V1: variable at index 1 RC_VAR_1: variable at index 1 (alias) RC_V2: variable at index 2 RC_VAR_2: variable at index 2 (alias) RC_V3: variable at index 3 RC_VAR_3: variable at index 3 (alias)
These are pseudo-variables and can only be read from, as they actually become function calls internally. Attempting to use them as a destination (such as for RC_SET_VAR) may cause a crash.
RC_VAR_RAND: random real value in the range set by RC_SET_RAND_VAR_RANGE RC_VAR_RAND_INT: random integer value in the range set by RC_SET_RAND_VAR_RANGE RC_VAR_RAND_ANGLE: random real value in the range [0, 360) RC_VAR_POS_X: the object's current x position RC_VAR_POS_Y: the object's current y position RC_VAR_POS_Z: the object's current z position RC_VAR_ANGLE_X: the object's current x angle RC_VAR_ANGLE_Y: the object's current y angle RC_VAR_ANGLE_Z: the object's current z angle RC_VAR_SCALE_X: the object's current x scale RC_VAR_SCALE_Y: the object's current y scale RC_VAR_SCALE_Z: the object's current z scale
RC_WAIT(frames): Delays execution of the next command by the given frames. RC_PAUSE_HIDE(bForbidUpdates): Pauses the sequence and makes the object invisible. If bForbidUpdates is true, active tweens will be cancelled and interrupts cannot be triggered anymore. Interrupt triggering will be re-enabled when ObjRender_ResumeSequence is called. RC_PAUSE(bForbidUpdates): Pauses the sequence. If bForbidUpdates is true, active tweens will be cancelled and interrupts cannot be triggered anymore. Interrupt triggering will be re-enabled when ObjRender_ResumeSequence is called. RC_INTERRUPT_LABEL(): Acts as a label/marker for an interrupt triggered externally. This command doesn't actually do anything directly. RC_NOTIFY_EVENT(scriptId, eventType, args...): Calls NotifyEvent. RC_NOTIFY_EVENT_OWN(eventType, args...): Calls NotifyEventOwn. The script that is notified will be the one that created the object. RC_NOTIFY_EVENT_ALL(eventType, args...): Calls NotifyEventAll.
RC_SET_VAR(var&, value): var = value RC_ADD(var&, value): var += value RC_SUB(var&, value): var -= value RC_MUL(var&, value): var *= value RC_DIV(var&, value): var /= value RC_MOD(var&, value): var %= value RC_SIN(var&, value): var = sin(value) RC_COS(var&, value): var = cos(value) RC_TAN(var&, value): var = tan(value) RC_ASIN(var&, value): var = asin(value) RC_ACOS(var&, value): var = acos(value) RC_ATAN(var&, value): var = atan(value) RC_ATAN2(var&, y, x): var = atan2(y, x) RC_CIRCLE_POS((varResX&, varResY&, angle, radius)): varResX = radius * cos(angle) varResY = radius * sin(angle) RC_RAND(var&, minValue, maxValue): var = prand(minValue, maxValue) Note: This is separate from the RC_VAR_RAND variables. RC_SET_RAND_VAR_RANGE(var&, minValue, maxValue): Sets the range for RC_VAR_RAND* variables.
All jumps use absolute offsets.
RC_JUMP(jumpDest): Unconditional jump to jumpDest RC_JUMP_DEC(varCounter&, jumpDest): Decrement varCounter, if varCounter > 0: jump to jumpDest RC_JUMP_E(a, b, jumpDest): if a == b: jump to jumpDest RC_JUMP_NE(a, b, jumpDest): if a != b: jump to jumpDest RC_JUMP_L(a, b, jumpDest): if a < b: jump to jumpDest RC_JUMP_LE(a, b, jumpDest): if a <= b: jump to jumpDest RC_JUMP_G(a, b, jumpDest): if a > b: jump to jumpDest RC_JUMP_GE(a, b, jumpDest): if a >= b: jump to jumpDest
RC_DELETE(): Calls Obj_Delete. RC_SET_PRIORITY(priorityI): Calls Obj_SetRenderPriorityI. RC_SET_VISIBLE(bVisible): Calls Obj_SetVisible. RC_SET_FLAG(flag): Calls Obj_SetFlag. RC_CLEAR_FLAG(flag): Calls Obj_ClearFlag.
RC_SET_X(x): Calls ObjRender_SetX. RC_SET_Y(y): Calls ObjRender_SetY. RC_SET_Z(z): Calls ObjRender_SetZ. RC_SET_POSITION(x, y, z): Calls ObjRender_SetPosition. RC_SET_ANGLE_X(x): Calls ObjRender_SetAngleX. RC_SET_ANGLE_Y(y): Calls ObjRender_SetAngleY. RC_SET_ANGLE_Z(z): Calls ObjRender_SetAngleZ. RC_SET_ANGLE(x, y, z): Calls ObjRender_SetAngleXYZ. RC_SET_SCALE_X(x): Calls ObjRender_SetScaleX. RC_SET_SCALE_Y(y): Calls ObjRender_SetScaleY. RC_SET_SCALE_Z(z): Calls ObjRender_SetScaleZ. RC_SET_SCALE(x, y, z): Calls ObjRender_SetScaleXYZ. RC_SET_COLOR(r, g, b): Calls ObjRender_SetColor. RC_SET_COLOR_HEX(color): Calls ObjRender_SetColorHex. RC_SET_COLOR_HSV(h, s, v): Calls ObjRender_SetColorHSV. RC_SET_ALPHA(alpha): Calls ObjRender_SetAlpha. RC_SET_BLEND_TYPE(blendType): Calls ObjRender_SetBlendType. RC_SET_MOVE_SPEED(speedX, speedY, speedZ): Calls ObjRender_SetMoveSpeed. RC_SET_ROTATION_SPEED(speedX, speedY, speedZ): Calls ObjRender_SetRotationSpeed. RC_SET_SCALE_SPEED(speedX, speedY, speedZ): Calls ObjRender_SetScaleSpeed. RC_CANCEL_TWEENS(): Calls ObjRender_CancelTweens. RC_TWEEN_POSITION(duration, interpType, endValueX, endValueY, endValueZ): Calls ObjRender_TweenPosition. RC_TWEEN_ANGLE(duration, interpType, endValueX, endValueY, endValueZ): Calls ObjRender_TweenAngle. RC_TWEEN_SCALE(duration, interpType, endValueX, endValueY, endValueZ): Calls ObjRender_TweenScale. RC_TWEEN_COLOR(duration, interpType, endValueR, endValueG, endValueB): Calls ObjRender_TweenColor. RC_TWEEN_ALPHA(duration, interpType, endValueA): Calls ObjRender_TweenAlpha.
RC_SPRITE2D_SET_SOURCE_RECT(left, top, right, bottom): Calls ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect. RC_SPRITE2D_SET_SOURCE_RECTB(x, y, width, height): Calls ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRectB. RC_SPRITE2D_SET_DEST(typeDest): Calls ObjSprite2D_SetDest. RC_SPRITE2D_SET_DEST_RECT(left, top, right, bottom): Calls ObjSprite2D_SetDestRect. RC_SPRITE2D_SET_DEST_CENTER(): Calls ObjSprite2D_SetDestCenter. RC_TWEEN_SPRITE2D_DEST_RECT(duration, interpType, left, top, right, bottom): Changes the object's destination rect over duration frames with the given interpolation type.
RC_SPRITE3D_SET_SOURCE_RECT(left, top, right, bottom): Calls ObjSprite3D_SetSourceRect. RC_SPRITE3D_SET_SOURCE_RECTB(x, y, width, height): Calls ObjSprite3D_SetSourceRectB. RC_SPRITE3D_SET_DEST(typeDest): Calls ObjSprite3D_SetDest. RC_SPRITE3D_SET_DEST_RECT(left, top, right, bottom): Calls ObjSprit3D_SetDestRect. RC_SPRITE3D_SET_SOURCE_DEST_RECT(left, top, right, bottom): Calls ObjSprit3D_SetSourceDestRect.
RC_PRINT(level = LOG_USER): Prints debug info about the sequence to the log window at the given log level (defaults to LOG_USER).