Arguments: 1) string: scriptPath Return Type: real
Loads and compiles the specified script, and returns its script ID.
Also calls @Loading and initializes global variables in the script.
Arguments: 1) string: scriptPath Return Type: real
Loads and compiles the specified script in a different thread, and returns its script ID.
Also calls @Loading and initializes global variables in the script.
Arguments: 1) real: scriptID Return Type: real
Starts the specified script.
Calls @Initialize and starts @MainLoop in the script.
Arguments: 1) real: scriptID
Stops the specified script.
Until this function is called, the script will continue to run.
Arguments: 1) real: scriptID Return Type: bool
Returns whether the specified script has been stopped.
Returns true if the script is not running.
Arguments: 1) real: scriptID 2) real: argumentIndex 3) any: value
Before starting the given script with StartScript, sets a value that is to be passed to the given script upon starting.
This value can be retrieved in the started script with GetScriptArgument.
Arguments: 1) real: argumentIndex Return Type: any
Returns the value of the specified argument, previously set by SetScriptArgument before the script was started.
Return Type: real
Returns the number of arguments set by SetScriptArgument before the script was started.
Ends the current scene (returns to script selection screen).
Return Type: real
Returns the script's own ID.
Return Type: real const
Returns the event type currently triggered in @Event.
Arguments: 1) real: argumentIndex Return Type: any
Returns the argument of the event currently triggered in @Event.
Note: Can be an arbitrary value.
Arguments: 1) any: eventResult
Sets the result of the event in @Event, which can then be retrieved by GetScriptResult.
Arguments: 1) real: scriptID Return Type: any
Returns the event result from SetScriptResult.
Note: Can be an arbitrary value.
Arguments: 1) bool: enable
Sets whether to delete all existing objects that were created in the current script at its termination.
If set to true, the current script's objects will be deleted.
The default value is false.
Arguments: 1) real: scriptID 2) real const: eventType 3+) any: arguments...
Calls the @Event of the script with the specified ID, triggering the specified event.
An arbitrary amount of arguments may be passed to the event, but there must be at least one.
The event type may use a value greater than EV_USER.
Arguments: 1) real const: eventType 2) any: arguments...
Calls the @Event of the script that called this function, triggering the specified event.
An arbitrary amount of arguments may be passed to the event, but there must be at least one.
The event type may use a value greater than EV_USER.
Arguments: 1) real const: eventType 2) any: arguments...
Calls the @Event of all scripts, triggering the specified event in all scripts listening for it.
An arbitrary amount of arguments may be passed to the event, but there must be at least one.
The event type may use a value greater than EV_USER.
Arguments: 1) string: scriptPath 2) real const: infoType Return Type: varies
Parses and returns information from the script file's header.
Constants for infotype are as follows:
INFO_SCRIPT_TYPE: Returns the script type (const): one of TYPE_SCRIPT_PLAYER: Player script, TYPE_SCRIPT_SINGLE: Single script, TYPE_SCRIPT_PLURAL: Plural script, TYPE_SCRIPT_STAGE: Stage script, or TYPE_SCRIPT_PACKAGE: Package script. INFO_SCRIPT_PATH: Returns the script path (string). INFO_SCRIPT_ID: Returns the script #ID (int). INFO_SCRIPT_TITLE: Returns the script #Title (string). INFO_SCRIPT_TEXT: Returns the script #Text (string). INFO_SCRIPT_IMAGE: Returns the script #Image (string). INFO_SCRIPT_REPLAY_NAME: Returns the script #ReplayName (string).
Arguments: 1) string: pathInput 2) string: pathOutput 3) bool: bRemoveDnhDirective = true Return Type: bool
Compiles the given package script into an executable bytecode file and saves it at the given output path.
If bRemoveDnhDirective is true (default), the #TouhouDanmakufu directive will be removed from the script, causing it to not appear in the RDNH menu.
Returns false on failure and logs an error to the log window, which will look like a normal script error.
Note: Bytecode formats may change between engine versions, so scripts should be freshly compiled whenever a new version is downloaded.
Arguments: 1) string: pathInput 2) string: pathOutput 3) bool: bRemoveDnhDirective = true Return Type: bool
Compiles the given system script into an executable bytecode file and saves it at the given output path.
If bRemoveDnhDirective is true (default), the #TouhouDanmakufu directive will be removed from the script, causing it to not appear in the RDNH menu.
Returns false on failure and logs an error to the log window, which will look like a normal script error.
Note: Bytecode formats may change between engine versions, so scripts should be freshly compiled whenever a new version is downloaded.
Arguments: 1) string: pathInput 2) string: pathOutput 3) bool: bRemoveDnhDirective = true Return Type: bool
Compiles the given stage script into an executable bytecode file and saves it at the given output path.
If bRemoveDnhDirective is true (default), the #TouhouDanmakufu directive will be removed from the script, causing it to not appear in the RDNH menu.
Returns false on failure and logs an error to the log window, which will look like a normal script error.
Note: Bytecode formats may change between engine versions, so scripts should be freshly compiled whenever a new version is downloaded.
Arguments: 1) string: pathInput 2) string: pathOutput 3) bool: bRemoveDnhDirective = true Return Type: bool
Compiles the given player script into an executable bytecode file and saves it at the given output path.
If bRemoveDnhDirective is true (default), the #TouhouDanmakufu directive will be removed from the script, causing it to not appear in the RDNH menu.
Returns false on failure and logs an error to the log window, which will look like a normal script error.
Note: Bytecode formats may change between engine versions, so scripts should be freshly compiled whenever a new version is downloaded.
Arguments: 1) string: pathInput 2) string: pathOutput 3) bool: bRemoveDnhDirective = true Return Type: bool
Compiles the given item script into an executable bytecode file and saves it at the given output path.
If bRemoveDnhDirective is true (default), the #TouhouDanmakufu directive will be removed from the script, causing it to not appear in the RDNH menu.
Returns false on failure and logs an error to the log window, which will look like a normal script error.
Note: Bytecode formats may change between engine versions, so scripts should be freshly compiled whenever a new version is downloaded.
Arguments: 1) string: pathInput 2) string: pathOutput 3) bool: bRemoveDnhDirective = true Return Type: bool
Compiles the given shot script into an executable bytecode file and saves it at the given output path.
If bRemoveDnhDirective is true (default), the #TouhouDanmakufu directive will be removed from the script, causing it to not appear in the RDNH menu.
Returns false on failure and logs an error to the log window, which will look like a normal script error.
Note: Bytecode formats may change between engine versions, so scripts should be freshly compiled whenever a new version is downloaded.